Chess news: Armenian chess-players in various championships

Armenian GM Giorgi Bagaturov (Georgia) scored 7 points out of 8 and shared 2-4 places at the open that was held in Varna, Bulgaria. Bagaturov was the 3rd by the tie-break.

Armenian IM Valentin Panbukchian (Bulgaria) scored 5,5 points and took the 16th place among 74 participants. informs about this.

GM Ivan Cheparinov (Bulgaria) became the winner of the tournament with 8 points.

According to the same source Armenian chess player Suzan Mouradian gained the title of Women’s Champion of Lebanon. She took 4,5 points out 5 at the Championship that was held in Beirut.
Suzan’s sister – WIM Knarik Mouradian was half a point behind Suzan and became Women’s Vice-Champion of Lebanon.

Armenian GMs Sergei Movsesian and Hrant Melkumyan are going to take part in a traditional great open to be held on July 23-August 3, 2012 in Biel, Switzerland.

At the same time a round-robin tournament will be held within the framework of Biel Festival. Among the participants of this tournament is GM Magnus Carlsen.

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