Syrian National Council members discussed the future of Syria

Leader of the so-called Syrian National Council (SNC) has announced that curttrent situation in Syria is “transitional.” Press TV writes about this referring Abdulbaset Sieda’s speech in Istanbul, on Monday. Remind that a meeting of 150 members of the insurgent group took place in Istanbul on Monday.

“The Syria regime will fall. It has no legitimacy. The transitional phase has started. That’s what we are witnessing clearly in many of our cities… and that’s despite the difficult situation the opposition is facing,” Sieda said. The SNC members discussed their plan for Syria’s future and the insurgents’ challenges in fighting the Syrian government in different parts of the country. They also accused Damascus of breaking the ceasefire which was brokered by UN-Arab League peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi.

“There was no ceasefire. Bashar Assad broke the ceasefire from the very first moment,” one of the SNC members said. Clashes in Syria have started since March 2011. Opposition claims Syrian President Bashar al-Assad must resign. The latter refuses to do it.

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