B. Sahakyan: “25 years ago this day proved to be pivotal for Artsakh and the whole Armenian people”

Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan has released a congratulatory message on the occasion of 25th anniversary of Artsakh National-Liberation Movement. The message especially says:
“Respected compatriots,
Dear people of Artsakh,

25 years ago this day proved to be pivotal for Artsakh and the whole Armenian people. The entire nation stood with a peaceful and legitimate demand corresponding to fundamental norms and principles of international law to restore historical justice, defend our violated dignity, rights and liberties.

Our nation’s struggle against foreign yoke, nearly seven decades of persistent violence and oppression was at the very basis of the 1988 Movement. Despite all of that, the national-liberation outburst did not cultivate national hatred and animosity towards the neighboring nation. However, authorities of Azerbaijan responded to our civilized demands and peaceful demonstrations by organizing massacres, exiles and persecution. They once again tried to solve the Armenian issue through already applied policy – genocide.

Nevertheless, this time their infernal intensions doomed to failure. The whole Armenian nation consolidated for the sake of defending Artsakh, the native country and people, its honor and reliable future. At the cost of the best Armenian sons’ blood, due to their heroic deeds and selflessness we succeeded in protecting our independence and freedom as well as gave a worthy rebuff to the enemy establishing peace and stability in the whole region. Eternal glory and honor to all the martyrs!

Dear compatriots,

Valuating the 25-year long path we can say with honor and dignity that realizing the ideas of the objective of 1988 Movement the Armenian nation restored its statehood, and today due to the Armenia-Artsakh-Diaspora unshakable trinity it carves its own fate independently, keeps inviolable the native country’s frontiers, develops the land of ancestors and always maintains bright the hearth fire.

All of us, the whole nation will do everything possible for continuous strengthening of our independent statehood that has been reached at such a high price. It is an exclusive value without which it is impossible to think about the immortality and development of the Fatherland and the native people.

Dear citizens of Artsakh,

On behalf of the republic’s authorities and personally myself I congratulate you, all our sisters and brothers in Armenia and the Diaspora on this great holiday. I wish all of you peace, robust health and great success”.

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