“Armenian Progressive Youth”: Working on Work

From 10th to 18th of May Dilijan city hosted 35 young people from various European countries such as Italy, France, Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Czech Republic, Turkey and Greece.

The young people have arrived in Armenia to take part in «Youth Unemployment: Work on Work» TC (Training Course) which has been organized by Armenian Progressive Youth NGO in the frames of Youth in Action programme financed by European Commission.

It’s not a secret that today youth unemployment is a major issue not only in Armenia, but also in various European countries. Young people representing different organizations arrived in Armenia to discuss the topic of youth unemployment and to suggest their solutions to the problem, who also work on developing youth employment programmes in their own countries.

The main objective of the training course was to equip the young people with necessary experience, knowledge and skills to get easily involved in the job market.

The young people shared their ideas and opinions on youth unemployment during 7 working days as well as learned the techniques of writing a CV/resume and motivation letters, prep skills for a job interview, discussed the ways of using volunteering as a means of getting into job market etc..
The training course attempted to raise young people’s initiative, creative, entrepreneurial and working spirit through the active participation of experts and participants.

Through different exercises, discussions about the best European practices and exchange of experience about youth unemployment, the organizers wanted to encourage and inspire the young people to take steps and help other unemployed youngsters to find a job in their home countries in future.

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