Politician: “If the whole truth about Xocali is found out it will be a great slap for Azerbaijanis”

Today at “Hayeli” (“Mirros”) press-club politicians Alexander Manasyan and Ashot Bleyan met with journalists.

Speaking about public’s involvement in the Arstakh issue, A. Bleyan noted: “The public involvement has been changed during the years. Till 1994 everyone in society knew its place. This was a unique solidarity and it brought a success to us. Today the public seems to be isolated from the issue as now it is the round of negotiations where the society seems to have nothing to do. On those years Arstakh survival was a national issue”.  

The politician also informed that during some last years he has fulfilled educational some projects with Arstakh. Due to those projects many Armenian teenagers discovered Artsakh for them and made ties with Artsakh people.

Referring to the public involvement in Artsakh issue another speaker of press-conference, Alexander Manasyan said: “Azerbaijani society is involved in the issue in one way and we are involved in another way. Very often we have to prove in the international forums that on 1988 Azerbaijani masses were involved in massacres, were involved in occupations. They had a massive involvement in massacres and this was the type of their involvement. We had another way. We had volunteers, kamikazes.”

Speaking about our days A. Manasyan noted: “We have a national mentality, which often damages us. After the war we consider that everything is over and we stop worrying”. The politician explains that this character led us to have losses in the information war for a long time. But now according to him the situation is changed.

Speaking about today’s reality, A. Bleyan especially rated the fact of self-identified Artsakh. Accoridng to him Artsakh self-determination is a fact and it brings new tasks with it. “Those noew tasks must change me, my actions. Artsakh will also be changed due to this fact”, the politician considers. According to him now it is very important for us to urge Azerbaijan to recognize Arstakh self-determination.

Recently Azerbaijani propaganda measures have started to use so called “Xoxali genocide”. Pakistan has recognized the “genocide” and Mexico seems to be on the way of recognition. Referring to Xocali events, Al. Manasyan said: “We write about Xocali, but we write for us. We think that as the truth is for us it will also work for us. But it never happens in such a way in the information war. Aezrbaijan works hard towards the issue and spreads disinformation. As we are passive they act actively”.

Manasyan considers that we must appeal to the court against Azerbaijan for Xocali.

“In reality, Karabakh forces informed Baku that the military action must take place and Xocali must be liberated. Azerbaijani authorities might take the peace population far from the territory. But they did not do it. They needed to get free of Mutalibov then and that is why they used this occasion. Peae population was shot from Aghdam, from the territory, which was under Azerbaijani supervision. So this means that the massacre took place under Azerbaijani supervision. If the truth about Xocali is discovered it will be a strong slap for Azerbaijanis. They will see how people pay for the authorities. And that is why Azerbaijani authorities are so aggressive about this theme today”, Manasyan underlined. 

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