Wikileaks: “Israel demolished some Iranian nuclear laboratories”

“Wikileaks” web-site started to publish more than 5 million e-messages of the “Stratford” analytic center since Monday. news agency informed about this.

Stratford” analytic company is engaged in analyzing and working out events which take place in the world. Some part of the worked out information is published and the most part is kept in secret and serves to the US National Security and is also used by some American great companies.  

One of the documents says that Israeli special forces supported by Kurdish extremists have fulfilled an operation of annihilating some Iranian nuclear laboratories.

Another news about Iranian-Israeli relation is also much discussed in the world media. It is about Israeli possible attack on Iran.

Before the USA announced that the attack may be failed so the idea is not welcomed by the American side. At the same time Israel continues announcing that Iranian nuclear points must be bombarded. Iranian side warns that in case of attack Israel will just be demolished.

According to Israel will attack Iran without any warnings in order not to put “the USA in inappropriate situation”. According to the source the high-level representative of the US intelligence service informed about this. According to the official if the USA knows about the attack it will share the responsibility with the attacker.

By the way, Israeli Minister of Defense Ehud Barack is in the USA now and Iranian issue is on agenda as well.

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