A. Saghatelyan: “This film proves that Azerbaijani myth about Khojalu has no sober base”

Today, on March 1, documental film named “Between hunger and fire: Power at the expense of lives” was presented at Yerevan, “Armenia Marriot” hotel. The film discovers all events which took place 20 years ago in Khojalu town, near Aghdam. The film tells about the events during November 1991 till February 1992. The film consists of two parts and tells about the crimes which were made by Azerbaijani political elite and those crimes are obvious facts. These crimes caused deaths of women, children and elders.

Republic of Azerbaijan spends great amount of money to present the myth about Khojalu. This is the unique base for the anti-Armenian propaganda. This film proves that Azerbaijani myth about Khojalu has no sober base”, head of the Armenian PR Association Ara Saghatelyan said during the presentation of the film.

According to him the gathered material let them create a range of films and “we will do it”. Saghatelyan also informed that the film is translated in seven languages and would be presented to the public by various measures. Social networks will be used as well.

The journalists saw a short version of the film and after it the authors of the film organized a press-conference.

Acting producer of the film Arman Saghatelyan underlined that no emotional elements are used in this film but sober and logic discussion is presented. Here are also the studies and archive work. Besides this “crime was committed near Aghdam, civilians were killed and we had a task to understand who is responsible for the victims and which was the motivation of those who are responsible for it.”

Saghatelyan presented the conclusions which were made by the authors of the film and which may get after seeing the film. “First of all leaders of the Soviet Azerbaijani Republic drove away Armenians from the NKR territory and settled Azerbaijanis there. This step had its purpose: even then they planned to use this territory and hold supervision over the strategically important roads and airport”, Saghatelyan said.

“The second, Khojalu was used as a military platform for Azerbaijanis on the beginning of 90s to blockade Nagorno Karabakh. It was also used to kill nearly 50.000 local residents and nearly 30-35.000 refugees from Azerbaijan. Peace population was killed by the mass weapons”, Saghatelyan continued.

Continuing Saghatelyan noted that NKR authorities did not have any alternative in the hunger, water and medicine lack. They just have the only chance to cut through blocked and bombarded Stepanakert. “And the opposite site was warned about the prepared bombarding. But it did not take any measures to save the peace population, but just the opposite, it left the population in the hot point of the armed actions,” he added.

Producer of the film also underlined that Armenian side followed all principles of the international law and left a corridor for the peace population to leave. At that time Azerbaijani side did not organize anything for them. Those who used the corridor passed successfully through it.

Referring to another fact Saghatelyan noted that the events named “Khojalu events” were taking place near Aghdam and Armenian side did not have any control over these territories till 1993. The bodies which were found on the enemy’s territories were defiled. According to Saghatelyan all these events took place as it was needed to drive away Azerbaijani President Ayaz Mutalibov and the authority transferred to nationalists. “All this aimed to spread hatred towards Armenians and Armenians are accused in crimes which are not made by them. This disinformation is continued now as well”, Saghatelyan said.

Answering to the questions by journalists the producer said that providing facts was the most difficult part of the work. Besides this people were needed who have meaningful information.

In his turn the scenarist of the film Armen Minasyan said that a great study was made. He also underlined that many facts are in Azerbaijani current territory and there was no opportunity to get it.

Minasyan also told that he met Azerbaijani journalist Eynulla Fatulayev in Strasburg and invited him to visit Armenia. Azerbaijani journalist said: “Do you want me to be imprisoned again”?

The film is shot by the Center of the public relations and information of the Armenian President’s administration.

Public presentation of the film will take place on March 3, at 18:00 at “Moscow” cinema.

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