S. Ohanyan: “Today we give great measures to the military medicine and you have no right of omissions”

Today a conference devoted to the military medicine is opened at Yerevan State Medical University. Rector of the University Derenik Dumanyan delivered a welcoming speech and underlined that a huge work has been done in the military medicine during these 20 years and added at the same time that much work is still remained.

“Armenian Army marks its 20th anniversary with serious achievements and successes. We have started the compelled war with hunting weapons but today we have our weapon industry and today’s conference comes to show which way we have passed and which is expected for us”, D. Dumanyan said and added that the issues of military medicine, problems of the sphere would be discussed in the conference.

D. Dumanyan also noted during the conference more than 90 doctors will be awarded for their professional assistance in border territories, during Artsakh war.

Armenian Minister of Defense Seyran Ohanyan also attends the conference. In his speech he referred to the great work of the doctors in the way of Army establishment.

“Doctors also participated in the war on the first day of the Armenian Army establishment when they operated and cured the wounded people not far from the hot point. By their presence they showed the soldiers that the country was with them”, Minister of Defense noted and stressed that sometimes doctors approached the border more that it was allowed as they needed to assist the wounded soldiers. S. Ohanyan also remembered all those doctors who perished during the war holding lancet and weapons in the hands. Minister also spoke about the faculty of military medicine in the YSMU and underlined its importance both during the war and now.

“Today we give great measures to the military medicine and you have no right of omissions”, S. Ohanyan underlined.

Note that Speaker of Armenian National Assembly Samvel Nikoyan, head of the YKM Manvel Grigoryan, some NA deputies, Generals, lieutenants attend the conference.  


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