Discussions on Iranian nuclear program: IAEA, USA, Israel are involved

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will hold a meeting today in Vienna and the last viist of the Agency to Iran will be on agenda. BBC informs about this.

Representatives of the foreign countries intend to get the necessary assistance to work out a resolution which will condemn “Iranian not complacency” to work with the IAEA on the nuclear sphere.

Western endless accusations towards Iran are continued despite of the Iranian claims that its nuclear program is just for the civilian peace needs.

As Iranian sources inform Turkish Prime Minister Rajap Tayyip Erdogan will visit Iran.

This visit is also mainly devoted to the Iranian nuclear program and it will be realized after the International Conference on Nuclear Safety which will take place in Seoul city, South Korea on March 26-27 and last 2 days.

The main topic of this conference will be Iranian nuclear program. Turkish PM will propose to hold discussions between the “six” countries and Iran in Istanbul. In case of agreement, the meeting between the sides will start in April of this year in Istanbul. Erdogan will inform Mahmoud Ahmadinejad about details of the conference.

Israeli top-officials have discussed the Iranian nuclear program in the USA with Barack Obama as well.  

Delivering speech in front of the AIPAC (American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee) B. Obama said: “Iran’s leaders should know that I do not have a policy of containment; I have a policy to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon”. Ynetnews.com writes about this.

“And as I’ve made clear time and again during the course of my presidency, I will not hesitate to use force when it is necessary to defend the United States and its interests,” he declared.

The West aims to make pressure on Iran mostly by the economical sanctions. Iran announced that it is ready to stand and protect the Motherland. EU decided to put sanctions on Iranian oil will June 1, 2012, but Iran started to refuse provide oil to some European countries earlier that the sanction will act. 

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