Israeli official: “Israeli attack on Iran may start a regional war”

Israel continues threatening Iran with the possibility of attack. Iranian side announced that it does not threat from such announcements and is able to protect the Motherland.  According to some announcements by the Israeli officials it seems not everyone inIsraelagrees with the idea of attackingIran.

“An Israeli attack on Iran would lead to a missile attack on Tel Aviv that would have a devastating impact on the ability of Israelis to continue their daily lives”, a former Israeli intelligence expert said on Monday.Al ARABIA news agency writes about this.

”The attack will start a regional war”, Meir Dagan, former head ofIsrael’s spy agency Mossad, announced about this, Haaretz daily writes. 

Dagan said thatIrandoesn’t have only four nuclear sites, but it has “dozens” of them. He seemed quite skeptic over the effectiveness of an Israeli attack onIran, saying that no military attack could halt the Iranian nuclear project. “The attack could only delay it,” he said.

The Israeli official was asked about a possible Iranian response to an Israeli attack onIran’s nuclear program: “I think thatIsraelwill be in a very serious situation for quite a time”, the response was.  

Dagan said that instead of a military strike onIran’s nuclear capabilities, the West could work on changing the Iranian regime instead.

“It’s our duty to help anyone who likes to present an open opposition against their regime inIran,” Dagan was quoted by Haaretz as saying in an interview that aired on Sunday on CBS’s 60 Minutes.

The former top intelligence official refused to answer when he was asked whetherIsraelhad supported the youth groups that held protests acrossIranafter the last round of Iranian elections. 

“The issue ofIranarmed with a nuclear capability is not an Israeli problem; it’s an international problem,” Dagan said.

Remind that theUSAleadership is not very enthusiastic on the possibility of Israeli attack onIran. Some American top officials announced that the Israeli attack may fail and this makes some Israelis to be cautious concerning the consequences.

Iran continues claiming that its nuclear program is just for the civilian peace needs and no one has right to be involved in it.Iranrejects to stop the uranium enrichment and announces that it ready to protect itself. The West also uses economical pressure as a measure againstIran.

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