Human Rights Watch: Syria laying landmines near its borders with Lebanon and Turkey

As it was already informed UN envoy to Syria Kofi Annan presented some offers to the Syrian Government.

As Wall Street Journal writes Syrian officials are expected to respond Tuesday to a number of concrete proposals on how to end the violence in their homeland.

“We expect to hear from the Syrian officials today,” said Mr. Annan who is in Turkey now. “Once we have received their answer, we will know how to react.”

According to the U.N. more that 7500 people have already been killed in Syria since the conflict started last year.

The embattled central Syrian city of Homs is of particular concern. Syrian activists said Monday pro-government gunmen have killed at least 16 people—including children—in a rebel stronghold.

Mr. Annan expressed hope that a solution can be found to the crisis in remarks after meeting.

Tuesday with Burhan Ghalioun, the head of the main Syrian opposition group, the Syrian National Council.

“The whole world is coming together in working with us in resolving the situation and with goodwill and determination, I am hopeful, we will make progress,” Mr. Annan said.

According to the information by BBC news Syria is laying landmines near its borders with Lebanon and Turkey, along routes used by refugees to escape the violence. BBC quotes to the information from Human Rights Watch.

The New-York based group quoted accounts from witnesses and deminers.

According to the information by the UN, 230,000 Syrians have fled their homes in the past year.

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees says 30,000 have fled abroad while 200,000 are displaced within Syria.

The UN says more than 8,000 people – many of them women and children – have been killed since the anti-government protests erupted.

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