Assad’s supporters held rallies in Syrian cities

As the world media inform supporters of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad held a rally in Syrian cities.

According to Reuters the action aimed to show the loyalty to coincide with the first anniversary of an increasingly bloody uprising against his rule.

“Official media announced government forces had cleared “armed terrorists” from the northwestern city of Idlib, suggesting the army was gaining ground in the revolt, which has cost at least 8,000 lives, according to the United Nations”, Reuters writes.

Clashes in Syria started a year ago. The opposition claims Bshar al-Assad must resign but Assad does not agree with this claim and does not seem to give up.

Western forces support Syrian opposition and according to some publications also provide them with weapon. UN Security Council aimed to put sanctions on Syrian Government but Russia and China prevented it and used their right of veto. Russian side considers that not only authorities but also the opposition is guilty for the situation in Syria.

As Reuters writes rallies were also reported in Syria‘s second city Aleppo, in the southern town of Suweida, the coastal city of Latakia and the Kurdish town of Hassaka. Numerous Russian flags were waved at Thursday’s rallies.

As the anniversary of the uprising approached, the Syrian army appeared to step up its offensive against rebel strongholds, regaining Homs and sending tanks into the southern town of Deraa, the cradle of the rebellion.

The U.N.-Arab League special envoy Kofi Annan is due to report back to the Security Council on Friday on his efforts to end the violence and remains in contact with Damascus despite gloom among some Western diplomats over his chances of success.

“The door of dialogue is still open. We are still engaged with Syrian authorities over Mr. Annan’s proposals,” Annan’s spokesman Ahmad Fawzi said in Geneva.

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