Ed. Nalbandyan: “Armenian participation to the UN was the confirmation for Armenia as an independent country”

On March 23 Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized an acceptance devoted to the 20th anniversary of Armenian participation in UN, press and information department of Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs about this. Armenian Minister of Transport and Communication Manuk Vardanyan, Ambassadors in Armenia, Armenian NA deputies, representatives of the UN and other international organizations in Armenia attended the event.

Minister Nalbandyan delivered a speech and especially said: “There are some dates in people’s life which are special with their meaning and with their importance.

1992 March 2 is one of such days for our nation. Armenia became the member of the UN on that day.

Will of the Armenian nation to be an independent state got the international recognition. Participation of the UN became the international confirmation for Armenia as an independent country. Armenian was recognized to become a complete member of the nations’ family.

And it is not accidental that Armenia opened its first permanent mission in the UN. March 2 is announced to be the day of diplomat by the decision of Armenian Government. And this day is really symbolic.”

UN representative in Armenia Dafina Gercheva also delivered welcoming speech.  

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