Armenian Human Rights Defender evaluates the activities of Ministry of Culture

Armenian Human Rights Defender Karen Andreasyan presented the evaluation of the activities of the RA Ministry of Culture of 2011.

 Shortcomings and problems identified

 · The Ministry has not taken sufficient measures for maintenance and development of museums. In the result of shortage of space only around 9 % of the state museum collections are presented in the museums.

· Sufficient measures for equipment of theatres have not been taken. In particular, the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater needs to be renovated and equipped with modern technical features; in certain cases, State Mime Theatre does not possess its own territory.

· The Ministry hasn’t taken appropriate measures for maintenance of libraries. Although the conditions of 13 libraries under the Ministry control have been considerably developed, they are still far from adequate.

· Sufficient measures for creation of sustainable and effective mechanisms for proportionate development of cultural life in regions have not been taken.

· Problems were identified in the sphere of maintenance of cultural values, historical and cultural monuments. Some buildings included in the list of maintenance of RA historical and cultural monuments – not subject to alienation – are under threat of demolition. According to some studies, several buildings in “Kumayri” architectural reserve-museum are in hazardous state.

· Appropriate measures for assurance of necessary conditions for realization of the right for people with disabilities to partake in cultural life  have not been undertaken. 

Positive Developments

 · A series of state official concerts have been organized.

· Information about around 12.500 museum pieces was made available for the public through the RA National Gallery 3 language new website (, which was enriched with modern design and technical possibilities.

· Around 200 permanent and individual presentations were organized in the museums ofArmenia; in addition 59 museums participated in the “Museum Night” pan-European event with 107420 visitors and during Days of European Inheritage 36 museums participated with 11791 visitors.

· Museum funds were enriched with 6661 pieces, 2645 pieces were repaired and 1168 pieces revamped.

· Libraries were enriched with 59515 pieces.

· With the aim of ensuring information and service simplification the electronic sources for library users were updated   (EBSKO and Integrum World).

· The program “Library as a meeting place” devoted to the Library Day was implemented with participation of 102 libraries and 257 events organized in its framework.

· A number of events were organized for celebration of 500 Anniversary of Armenian typography and “Yerevan 2012: World Book Capital” event.

· The “Family Librarian” program has been implemented through Lori and Shirak regional libraries for implementation of library services for people with disabilities.

· The “Arev” information communication program has been installed in Kotayk, Vayots Dzor, Gegharkunik regional libraries for people with eyesight problems.

· Around 74 theatre and concert tours, Armenian films presentations, book fairs were organized in regions ofArmeniain the framework of “Cultural region” program, as well as regional creative teamworks presentations inYerevan.

· For the first time in Gyumri and Vanadzor the “Regional ArtExpo” was organized in the frameworks if events devoted to the establishment of local self-government system inArmenia. 

Karen Andreasyan,Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Armenia

The list of the identified positive developments, gaps and shortcomings is not exhaustive.

 The introduced Chapter (16) of the HRD Annual Report 2011 is available in full at

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