Erdogan visits Iran after meeting with Obama: Turkish official offers to continue Iranian nuclear talks in Turkey

Iranian nuclear talks and Syrian crisis are the main themes for the world media and powers especially during the last time.

As Reuters writes referring to the diplomatic source Iran and six world powers are expected to resume in the next few weeks long-stalled talks about the Islamic state’s disputed nuclear program.  

One Western diplomat said he expected a meeting to be held on April 13-14, while another envoy said those dates had not been confirmed and a third suggested later in the month was possible. The venue was unclear, they said.  

According to the spokesman for European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton “nothing has been decided yet”. The last meeting over the nuclear work that Iran says is peaceful but the West suspects has military links took place in Istanbul in January 2011, when the two sides failed even to agree on an agenda.  

As Iranian IRNA writes Turkish Ambassador to Tehran Umit Yardim says Ankara is ready to host upcoming Iran-G5+1 talks for the second time as well.

Note that Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrived in Tehran early Wednesday morning.

“As far as Turkey’s hosting is concerned, everything depends on Iran-G5+1 agreement and those are the two sides who should announce their agreement and inclination toTurkey’s hosting,” said Yardim in an interview with IRNA early Wednesday morning on the sidelines of ceremonies to welcome Turkish Prime Minister Recep Teyyip Erdogan in hisIranvisit.

Yardim touched on the meeting of Erdogan and the US President Barack Obama over the past two days on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Conference in Seoul, saying, “Erdogan might put his experience of the meeting and of attending the Seoul conference at the disposal of Iranian officials.”

He noted that the Prime Minister will meet and confer with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as well as the First Vice-President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi and Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani in Tehran on Wednesday.

He added that after the talks, Erdogan will leave for the holy city of Mashhadand then to Ankara.

He is scheduled to meet and discuss interested issues with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, First Vice-President Mohammad Reza Rahimi and Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani during his 2-day official visit.

Iranian nuclear issue is supposed to be on agenda especially taking into consideration fact that Erdogan had a meeting with US President Barack Obama just two days ago inSeoul.

Remind that the United States and the EU have imposed tough sanctions onIran’s banking and energy sectors in an effort to pressure it to abandon the uranium enrichment program.Irancontinues to claim that its program has just peace civilian purposes. 

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