Turkey offers to host Iranian talks: Israel does not believe in talks

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Tehran yesterday as it was already reported. Turkish PM offered to hold the next G5 + 1 and Iran nuclear talks inTurkey again.

Iranian first Vice-President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi said on Wednesday that Iran welcomes Turkey hosting the upcoming nuclear talks with the G5+1, IRNA writes.

Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Akbar Salehi also referred to the Iranian nuclear talks with Group 5+1 and said that the negotiations have been scheduled, but, consultations are underway to set the venue.

As Jerusalem Post writes analyst says Israeli strike onIranwould be difficult as long as international community negotiating with Tehran.

During the joint press-conference with Recep Tayyip Erdogan Rahimi said Iran’s stance on peaceful use of nuclear technology is clear to the whole world and Turkey has witnessed Iran’s transparent stances in that regard due to its proximity to Iran and having cordial relations with the country.

Noting thatIranhas made huge investment in peaceful nuclear technology, Rahimi said, “Based on Islamic law, we can have no other program but peaceful use of nuclear technology and the Supreme Leader too has explicitly announced this.”

He said that the Group 5+1 has welcomed the Turkish government’s proposal to host the nuclear talks, but, “We have yet to decide on the venue.”

He said that Secretary of Supreme National Security Council Saeed Jalili is in direct contact with his negotiating partners about the venue of the talks.

While Israel had no formal reaction to the upcoming P5+1 talks, one official said that the world needed to make it clear to the Iranians that it was unacceptable for them to “talk and enrich” uranium at the same time.

Earlier this month inOttawa, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned the world against “falling into the trap” of allowing the Iranians to buy time through negotiations to move their nuclear program forward.

“Right now,Iranis feeling the pressure of economic sanctions, and it could try to evade that pressure by entering talks,” he said.

To avoid that, Netanyahu laid down what he said needed to be the three goals of the talks:Iranmust stop all uranium enrichment, remove from the country all uranium already enriched beyond 3.5 percent and close down its underground nuclear facility at Qom.

On Saturday, Intelligence Agencies Minister Dan Meridor replaced the demand to close Qom with a call for a much tighter inspection regime.

So far onlyIsraelhas listed these principles as the goals of the talks, with none of the countries involved in them adopting that language as their own.

The official would not say whetherIsraelviewed this as the last diplomatic opportunity to solve the Iranian nuclear crisis, but said “we are close to crunch time.”

Since then, Washington and the European Union have imposed tough new sanctions on Iran, including an EU oil embargo that is due to go into effect in July and a move by the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) to cut off a number of key Iranian banks, making international financial transactions with those banks all but impossible.

While Western diplomats have said it is hard to be optimistic about the upcoming talks givenIran’s previous track record, analysts say the negotiations could provide breathing space from the possibility of an immediate Israeli attack.

Iranian side announces that its nuclear program is peaceful and it is needed for the civilian needs.Iranalso announced that it is able to stand against any attack and protect itself.

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