Activists gave three days term and the term is over: passions over Mashtots Park are going on

Passions over Mashtots Park are going on. The activists gave three days and announced that after it they would think for the further actions. The term is over today. Some days ago they held an open public court and decided to remove the kiosks from the Mashtots Park by their own forces. And the initiative called “The first initiative group of the removing the illegal buildings from the Mashtots Park” was created for this aim. Members of the group delivered an announcement today. The announcement especially says:

“On March 31, 2012 at 13:00 o’clock high representatives of Armenian Police announced officially that the Police have no warrants to express any doubts towards the decisions of the local administrative bodies.

At the presence of the media representatives we have applied to the Armenian state bodies to make an announcement in three days and send the warranted people to the Mashtots Park and give explanations to the people.

On April 3, at 13:00 this term is over. If no one representative of the state bodies meets us till this term we will consider that the right of the public representatives to be listened is denied finally by the authorities.

We inform Armenian authorities once more that in this case the police will not be able to make obstacle for us while holding our fair action. At the same time we apply to everyone to accept that the property must be protected by law in our country and not by the police or by the physical force.

We also remind our announcement according which if Armenian Government announces the buildings in Mashtots Park to be legal property we are ready to take the responsibility for our decision to remove the buildings from the Park”.

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