E. Fatullayev: Minbashi village is blocked by police, some people are arrested

Azerbaijani well-known journalist Eynulla Fatullayev wrote an emergency note in his Twitter account(@EFatullayev). According to the journalist Azerbaijani Police blocks thevillageofMinbashi.

”Since the morning police troops have been deployed into thevillageofMinbashiin Sabirabad region, and some resident were arrested. On the eve of the villagers protested demanding an equitable distribution of compensation for the victims of floods in 2010.

For some time the protesters, about 150 people, blocked the road Shirvan-Sabirabad. Currently, the approaches to the village have been blocked by police. 

Residents believe that the funds allocated for them, have been embezzled by Beybala Iskanderov, the representative of executive power in the village, his deputy, Gadir Aliyev, and Rufulla Gochayev, the head of the municipality. They are accused of misappropriation of 200 manat from each thousand manta of compensation.

The protesters argue that these individuals take bribes to include people in the lists of those who need new houses.

The problem of equitable distribution of compensation to the flood zone was relevant from the very outset. The headquarters of Kura Civil Society has repeatedly informed the government and law enforcement agencies. Last week at the trial of the victims of flooding in Imishli region, the fact of financial fraud related to the issue of compensation, was revealed”, the journalist informs.

Violations of Human initial rights are common case inAzerbaijan. This case is just the next one.

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