V. Matviyenko: “NK conflict is a complicated issue and OSCE MG potential does not end”

Chairwoman of the Russian Council of Federation Valentina Matviyenko is in Azerbaijan. Among some other issues Nagorno Karabak issue settlement was also discussed during the press-conference in Baku, APA informs.

Russia makes necessary efforts to find the settlement of the Nagrono Karabakh conflict. Several trilateral meetings of the Azerbaijani, Russian and Armenian presidents was held on the initiative of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and the settlement of the conflict was discussed,” Russian official said.

”It is impossible to find the settlement of the conflict in a short time because Nagorno Karabakh conflict is very complicated. But the work on this issue is based on the UN resolutions and the norms of international law. The last meeting of the presidents in Sochi was very effective. They signed a trilateral statement, which will accelerate the settlement format”, Matviyenko added.

Valentina Matviyenko also spoke about the parliament’s role in this work: “This is a parliamentary diplomacy. I think that we must give attention to the trilateral meetings of our intellectuals and cultural workers. It is impossible to settle this conflict without confidence. We must support the scientists and culture figures in their confidence-building efforts.”

Referring to the OSCE MG format Matviyenko said that the potential of the OSCE Minsk Group didn’t end: “Russia took and will take an active position as a mediator to find the settlement which will satisfy all sides. Both sides must show good will and find peaceful settlement versions. We are guided by the international law, UN resolutions and the principles of territorial integrity of the countries and non-use of force. I think that we will find the settlement if we are guided by these principles, because this is a problem of not only the two countries, but entire region.” 

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