Kofi Annan is in Iran: Syrian issue is on agenda

April 10 was the deadline by the UN to for Syrian authorities to withdraw forces from the cities and establish a ceasefire. As it is seen the deadline is ignored.

According to CNN the UN and Arab League envoy to Syria Kofi Annan ammounced that he has received assurances from Damascus that it will respect his ceasefire plan.

As IRNA writes Mr. Annan is in Iran now. Former Secretary General of the United Nations is scheduled to talk and exchange views on Syrian issues with Iranian officials.

Mr. Annan delivered a speech in Iran and said there could be “improved conditions on the ground” by Thursday morning, if all sides did so.

A deadline for Syria to withdraw troops and weaponry from population centres expires on Thursday.

But there has so far been little sign of a let-up in violence.

As CNN writes at least 100 people were reported to have been killed on Tuesday, with fresh shelling in Homs and military activity in other cities overnight and into Wednesday morning.

There were also reports of shooting across the border with Turkey, with bullets landing in a refugee camp.

Mr. Annan said he had received “further clarifications” from the government of Bashar al-Assad on how they intended to suspend hostilities and respect the six-point peace plan.

“If everyone respects it I think by six in the morning on Thursday we shall see improved conditions on the ground,” he said.

But he said Damascus was still seeking assurances that opposition forces would also stop the fighting “so that we could see cessation of all the violence”.

Note that Iran has been a key ally of Damascus. Russia and China are the other supporters of Syrian authorities. They twice forbade UN Security Council to put sanctions against Syrian authorities. According to Associated Press US State Secretary Hilary Clinton accused Russia and announced that due to it Basahr al-Assad is still on his post. Clashes in Syria started since March, 2011. The opposition claims Assad must resign. Western powers assist Syrian opposition. According to the UN nearly 9.000 people have already been killed in Syria as a result of these clashes.

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