G. Nushikyan calls on his supporters not to participate in online voting

Pre-electoral office of Garegin Nushikyan candidate for deputy at 10th electoral territory released an announcement which calls on Nushikyan’s supporters not to participate in online voting.

“We express our attitude towards the results of the voting which was organized on hayeli.am web-site.  On April 11 the election of the candidates for 10th electoral territory was presented and it was intended to continue till April 14. Activists of Garegin Nushikyan’s office followed the results of the online voting and had the following image: 12.05.2012 at 00:10 G. Nushikyan had 436 votes and Saribek Suqiasyan had 344 votes.

After 12 hours at 13:44 G. Nushikyan had 1129 votes and S. Suqiasyan had 701 votes. At 16:30-17:00 Suqiasyan’s votes become 2000 and in some minutes the votes had a great growth. They become 5160 from 2548 and after it the web-site was cancelled with some hours.

Pre-electoral office of Garegin Nushikyan informs that such attitude in pre-electoral term is not acceptable. Nushikyan asks all his supporters not to participate in such elections and escape provocations,” the announcement says.

Remind that at 10th electoral territory G. Nushikyan is supported by RPA, Saribek Suqiasyan is supported by ANC. Lecturer of the Armenian State Economical University Gagik Shahnazaryan has also presented his candidacy.

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