Clashes in Syria are going on despite of the ceasefire regime

As it was reported yesterday the UN managed to reach a cease-fire in Syria after a struggle and military clashes which lasted more than a year.

But as writes scattered violence is continued and the government defied demands to pull troops back to barracks, drawing criticism from UN and Arab League envoy Kofi Annan.

Annan told the U.N. Security Council he was “encouraged” that the truce appeared to be holding but warned that the Syrian regime has failed to implement key demands such as withdrawing troops and heavy weapons from cities and towns.

He urged the 15-nation council to demand that President Bashar Assad’s government keep its promises and called for the speedy deployment of an observer mission, according to U.N. diplomats, who spoke on condition of anonymity because Annan’s briefing was behind closed doors.

“As of this moment, the situation looks calmer,” UN state secretary Ban ki-Moon told reporters in Geneva. But the cease-fire is “very fragile” and a single gunshot could derail the process, he added.

In the hours after the 6 a.m. deadline, at least four civilians were reported killed – three by sniper fire – and the state-run news agency said “terrorist groups” launched a roadside bomb that killed a soldier. But there was no sign of the heavy shelling, rocket attacks and sniper fire that have become routine.

As writes Syrians poured into the streets after Friday prayers, chanting and raising opposition flags in a major test of a fragile cease-fire implemented a day earlier to end a bloody government crackdown.

“God we have no one to ask for help but you,” they chanted. “Down with Assad!”

The opposition called for protests, seemingly testing whether President Bashar al-Assad would stick to a provision in the peace plan that allows peaceful demonstrations.

Clashes in Syria started since March, 2011 and according to UN more than 9.000 people have been killed as a result of these clashes. The opposition claims Bashar al-Assad must resign and the West supports the opposition.

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