ANC speaker: there is a possibility for cooperation with “Prosperous Armenia”

“Now the “Prosperous Armenia” party acts separated from the coalition and we have all bases to think that “Prosperous Armenia” is eager the elections to pass just and fair.” Speaker of Armenian National Congress Arman Musinyan announced about this during the conversation with Arm Radio. Then the speaker underlined that “we think there is a possibility for cooperation to exclude the attempt by Armenian Republican Party to falsify the results of the election.”

Speaking about the measures which Armenian National Congress would use to get the votes by the electors, Arman Musinyan especially said: “We will present the way we have passed, we will present our programs and besides this we will present the criminal essence of the bandit regime. Who trusts in us he will vote for us and who trust in other political forces they will vote for them. If the elections pass fairly we will be happy to welcome the political force which one gets the most voted. And if the elections pass just and fair we are sure that Armenian National Congress will win”, Musinyan underlined.

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