Armenia participated in “Open Government Partnership” program in Brazil

On April 17-18 the annual summit of the “Open Government Partnership” initiative took place. Brazilian President Dilma Russef and the US State Secretary Hilary Clinton opened the conference, press and information department of Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs about this. Armenian delegation led by Armenian deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ashot Hovakimyan and the representatives of Armenian NGOs participated in the summit.

Armenian deputy MFA presented the OGP program during the session devoted to the South Caucasus. The program is created by the Armenian state bodies and representatives of civil society. Ashot Hovakimyan concentrated on the main points of the program and spoke about the responsibilities which Armenia has. He also spoke about the preparations of the program and underlined the effective cooperation between the state departments and NGOs. Representative of the Information Freedom Center Liana Doydoyan also underlined that effective cooperation.

On the end of the session A. Hovakimyan answered to the questions by the presents and participated in the discussions.

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