Italian city Scafati recognized Armenian Genocide

On April 13 Armenian Ambassador to Italy Ruben Karapetyan visited Scafati city of the Salerno state where he had a meeting with the Mayor of the city Angelo Pasqualino Alberti and participated in the opening ceremony of the exhibition named “Artisti Armeni a Scafati” (“Armenian artists in Scafati”) which was devoted to the 97th anniversary of Armenian Genocide. Press and information department of the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs about this.

 During the meeting with the Mayor Armenian Ambassador discussed the cooperation with the city and the possibility to strengthen ties on trade-economical and tourism spheres.

After the meeting the joint press-conference took place and Ambassador Karapetyan underlined during it that the organization of the exhibition “Armenian artists in Scafati” is too important as it takes place just near the historical Pompey city and it will give opportunity to thousands of tourists to get acquainted with Armenian rich culture till May 31. 

In his turn the Mayor noted that it was the first time when in such a historical place not Italian, foreign exhibition was organized. He added that it was a great honor for their city to organize an event devoted to Armenian culture.

Armenian Embassy in Italy was organized the exhibition where the works of 16 painters and sculptors from various countries /Armenia, USA, Russia, Czech Republic, Italy, Canada/ are presented.

On April 17 city council of Scafati recognized Armenian Genocide and commemorated memory of 1.5 million Armenian victims. 

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