S. Sargsyan: “Political struggle is not a personal struggle”

Armenian President holds a working visit to Tavush region and has meetings with the residents there.

“Political struggle is not a personal struggle. It is led for the future ideas of the state”, Armenian President said during the meeting with the residents of Berd town, armenpress.am informs.

“This is not a war, this is a struggle of the ideas which is for the further well-being of our nation. Every political force in our country aims to prove that it is able to create a welfare Armenia. You have already noted that this pre-electoral term differs from the other pre-electoral terms in our country”, said the RPA chairman.

Speaking about the pre-electoral programs of the RPA the leader of the country noted that the party is coming with changed programs and the current omissions are also underlined.

“We call on to say “good” to good things and “bad” to bad things. We must accept the positive and deny the negative. The pessimism is not for us as we have chosen the way of victories. We have an aim to provide justice for everyone and to provide high quality healthcare and education for everyone”, S. Sargsyan said.

Speaking about the importance of protecting the borders he noted that the residents of Berd town have not only heard about it but they live in a part where the hotness of conflict is especially felt.

“People in Berd know well what the war is and they are able to evaluate the meaning of the peace”, RPA leader underlined.

After the meeting with the Berd residents S. Sargsyan put garlands at the cross stone dedicated to the perished soldiers who protected their Motherland on 1988-1994.

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