B. Sahakyan: “Improving the living conditions of our citizens is the pivotal tasks of the authorities”

Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan congratulated in connection with the International Workers’ Day, Central Information Department of Artsakh Republic President Office informs about this. The message especially says:

“Dear compatriots,

On behalf of the republic’s authorities and myself I cordially congratulate you on the May 1 International Workers’ Day, a day, which we traditionally celebrate for years paying homage to those who contribute to the flourishing of our homeland and their tireless work.

Improving the living conditions of our citizens and quality of their life are the pivotal tasks of the authorities.

The state takes all the necessary measures for continuous development of the economy, creation of new working places, boosting small and medium size businesses, stimulate local production and increasing state assistance in this sphere. We should strive to create such a situation where the work of every citizen will be palpable for him and each one will feel the stable growth registered in different spheres of the economy. The workers must feel fairly secure and protected. There is still a great deal of work to be done in this direction and we will undoubtedly join our efforts to do it with great resoluteness and consistency.

Dear people of Artsakh, I congratulate you on the May Day once more and wish you peaceful and fruitful activity for the well being of your families and the Republic of Artsakh”.

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