“Heritage” party concluded the campaign with meeting with voters

The “Heritage” party held its last meeting with the voters today, on May 3.

“We are coming to bring a new law and to write the text book of our history”. Leader of the “Heritage” party Raffi Hovhannisyan announced about this during the meeting today. Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Arzumanyan also delivered a speech and joked that he prepared the mass for Armenian singer Harut Pambukchyan. A. Arzumanyan called on people not let the unfair cases take place.

Candidate from the “Heritage” party Arman Musheghyan comes for the equal opportunities, the speaker underlined.

“Heritage” member Zaruhi Postanjyan, Anahit Bakhshyan, Ruben Hakobyan and some other candidates also delivered speeches.

 Singer Harut Pambukchyan (Left Harut) continues the meeting with the concert program.

 Remind that RPA, ANC and “Prosperous Armenia” parties also held meetings with the voters today. 

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