RPA chairman: “We believe and we will change”

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan had a pre-electoral meeting with the voters of Yerevan Center Community today. RPA central office informs about this.

Armenian President underlined that the term for the pre-electoral campaign is come to be end soon and said that he had some conclusions after the visits of all communities and regions of RA.

“First of all we all have made a step forward to have a strong and protected Armenia. It is not about our Armed Forces but it is first of all about our state departments.

Developing democracy in Armenia is the best proof of it. And the pre-electoral term passed under it. The open and competitive atmosphere is the best proof of it.

The sharp debates which are normal for the pre-electoral terms are passing according to the law. They prove the ripeness of our parties and the electoral institutes. They prove the character of our independence at last”, S. Sargsyan said.

Armenian President also underlined that he is proud of this result and considers that there is no other way for Armenia to strengthen its position in the international sphere.

RPA chairman underlined that Armenia is a small country so it is really dangerous to make hostile from the political rivals.   

“We will call on people to complain if they have reasons and to apply to the state bodies if it is needed.

We will protect the stability of the country in any case of outer changes and the crisis. We will continue to open the political system and we will deny the hegemony of money.

We have denied and now deny as well the public swears as a political phenomenon. We will never accept violations against freedom of speech and against the journalists

We believe and we will change”, S. Sargsyan assured the voters.

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