Ed. Sharmazanov considers that results of the exit-poll do not differ much from the last results

Speaker of the Armenian Republican Party Eduard Sharmazanov commented on the results of the exit-poll presented by the “Gallup international” organization. During the conversation with tert.am Sharmazanov said that usually the results of the exit-poll do not differ much from the last results.

“Exit-poll is made such professionals that the results that the results do not differ from the last results”, he told the news agency.

Remind that “Gallup International” organization held the exit-poll during the Parliamentarian elections in Armenia. According to the initial index RPA got 44.44 % of votes, 28.81 % of voters gave their votes to “Prosperous Armenia” party, 6.33 % electors trusted in Armenian National Congress, 5.92 % votes were given to “Heritage” party and ARF got 5.18 %.

Three other parties did not pass the 5 % entrance. Armenian Communists Party got 2.2 %, Armenian Democratic Party had 0.51 % votes and “Unites Armenians” got 0.45 % votes.

RPA speaker noted that the elections passed in positive atmosphere also due to the quick reaction by the media.

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