S. Jalili warns for the nuclear talks 5+1

The second round of the Iranian nuclear program negotiations will take place in Iraq on May 23. the first round took place in Istanbul.

“Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council Saeed Jalili cautioned members of the 5+1 Group of making any “miscalculations” during their May 23 talks with Iran in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad”, Iranian state news agency IRNA writes.

Jalili made the remarks in his speech during the inaugural ceremony of the first national conference on the “Economy of Resistance” which started here earlier Thursday morning.

Resistance of the Iranian nation against the sanctions has led them to make further progress in all fields, Jalili said.

“This was for the same national resistance that now we could defend our rights and take part in any talks with proud and dignity,” Jalili stressed.

Referring to some recent comments made by “other sides”, Jalili said that he would warn them to be careful of what they say and avoid making any miscalculations as that was a common mistake repeatedly made by them since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

Iran is ready to talk for cooperation based on its legitimate rights,” the country’s top nuclear negotiator added.

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