“From Ararat to Zion” film was presented in Minsk

On May 16 Armenian film “From Ararat to Zion” took place at Minsk, “Cinema house”. On the same day representatives of Armenian Community in Belarus were handed awards by the Armenian Ministries of Culture and Diaspora. Press and information department of Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs about this.

Representatives of Armenian Community, Ambassadors in Belarus, representatives of Belarusian public and cultural spheres were invited to the event.

Armenian Ambassador to Belarus Armen Khachatryan delivered welcoming speech and thanked the presents for accepting the invitation.

The awarding ceremony took place after the film presentation.

Belarusian well-known singer Iskuhi Abalyan was awarded with Golden medal “For spreading and protecting Armenian culture abroad and for having important investment in developing the Estrada music” by Armenian Ministry of Culture.   

 Another Golden medal by Armenian Ministry of Culture was handed to Ruzanna Avagyan, head of the “Erebuni” dance ensemble.

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