Iran and IAEA will have negotiations in Tehran

It was supposed before that next round of negotiations between Iran and IAEA will be held in Vienna next Monday. But as IRNA informs it was declared on Friday that the agency Chief Yukiya Amano will visit Tehran and talks would be held in Tehran.

The new round of talks between International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Iran was held last Monday-Tuesday in the venue of Iran representative office in Vienna.

Iran’s Ambassador Ali Asghar Soltanieh and IAEA Deputy Director General Herman Nackaerts, as chief negotiators of the two sides, after 12 hours of intensive called it ‘good and constructive’.

At the end of talks, Soltanieh said that they had reached progress concerning modality.

Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said on Friday that the director general is coming to Tehran on Monday upon his invitation when he was in Vienna last year, and invitation of head of Iran Atomic Energy Organization( IAEO).

Salehi added that during Amano visit to Tehran, the two sides would discuss on modality and new working framework to remove ambiguities and questions of the agency.

Foreign Minister Salehi said that Amano will have meetings with him as well as Iran Supreme National Security Council Secretary Saeed Jalili and head of IAEO Fereydoun Abbasi.

Iran Ambassador to IAEA Ali Asghar Soltanieh also said that Director General of the agency Yukiya Amano in a letter has expressed his desire to pay a visit to Iran and he is supposed to go to Tehran on Monday, where the two sides will discuss issues of mutual interest.

He added that Deputy Head of the agency Herman Nackaerts and Special Advisor for the agency director general Rafael Grossi will accompany Amano in this visit.

Soltanieh reminded that this is the first visit of Amano to Tehran since he took office.

G5 +1 talks on Iranian nuclear program will take place in coming future in Baghdad as well.

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