Results of Serbian Presidential elections are surprising

The second round of the Serbian Presidential elections took place on Sunday and new President of Serbia is known now.

Nationalist Tomislav Nikolic won the elections. Former President Boris Tadic of the Democratic Party is defeated.

 The first round elections were held on May 6.

As RTT news writes Tadic conceded defeat shortly after the electoral commission announced late Sunday after counting 40% of the votes that Nikolic had secured 50.21% of the vote when compared to the 46.77% received by the incumbent.

Tadic, congratulated Nikolic on his “fair and well-earned victory.” Nevertheless, he reminded his successor about the importance of Serbia joining the EU, saying: “It would be a tragic mistake if Serbia changes its orientation. It is a matter of peace and economic development.” Tadic is well-known for his policy to join the EU.

Nikolic was a Deputy Prime minister in Milosevic’s government when NATO bombed Serbia in 1999 to end a two-year-long counter-insurgency war against ethnic Albanians in breakaway Kosovo province. Although he had once called for aligning Serbia with Russia instead of the European Union, he recently distanced his Progressive Party from radical ideologies and projected himself as a champion for Serbia‘s EU membership.

Sunday’s election results came as a surprise to many as the polls were widely expected to reinstate Tadic as the country’s President.

Nikolic was a Deputy Prime minister in Milosevic’s government when NATO bombed Serbia in 1999 to end a two-year-long counter-insurgency war against ethnic Albanians in breakaway Kosovo province. Although he had once called for aligning Serbia with Russia instead of the European Union, he recently distanced his Progressive Party from radical ideologies and projected himself as a champion for Serbia‘s EU membership.

Sunday’s election results came as a surprise to many as the polls were widely expected to reinstate Tadic as the country’s President.

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