S. Sargsyan: Armenia rates its involvement in BSEC

On May 24 Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan hosted Secretary General of the Black Sea Economical Cooperation (BSEC) Leonidas Chrizantopulis. Press service of Armenian President informs about this.

Armenian President rated six-year activities by L. Chrizantopulis and noted that he was happy to host Mr. Secretary General in frame of the BSEC next session. S. Sargsyan underlined that Armenia rated its involvement in BSEC and considers it is an important stimulus for the regional cooperation.

According to Armenian President the organization’s aims to establish stability in the region and assist to settle friendly relations in the region completely coincides with Armenian aims.

BSEC Secretary General presented the issues which were discussed during the Yerevan summit and spoke about works which have been done by the organization during the last six years.

During the meeting the sides also referred to Armenian-Greek relations and S. Sargsyan noted that L. Chrizantopulis’s investment was great to develop these relations in 1993-94. In these years he was Greek Ambassador to Armenia.

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