H. Clinton to visit Armenia on June 4

On June 4 US State Secretary Hilary Clinton will visit Armenia.
“The secretary will travel to the Caucasus from June 4th to 7th. In all these countries, she will discuss important issues of regional security, democracy, economic development and counterterrorism,” State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said in a statement.
According to the source in Armenia on June 4th, the Secretary will meet with President Serzh Sargsian and other senior Armenian officials. She will also meet with Armenian civil society leaders.
On June 5th, Clinton will open the US-Georgia Strategic Partnership Commission plenary session in Batumi, Georgia, and the following day will travel to Azerbaijan to meet with President Ilham Aliyev.
As Azerbaijani Press Agency informs US Chargé d’Affaires in Azerbaijan Adam Sterling said that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit to the region, will be the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

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