Armenian Republic Day was celebrated in Romania and Czech Republic

On May 27 events dedicated to the Republic Day of Armenia were organized by Armenian Embassy in Romania and Armenian Union in Romania. Press and information department of Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs about this. Holy mass was served at the Armenian Church and after it an exhibition was opened at the Armenian Union. Armenian Ambassador to Romania Hamlet Gasparyan, leader of Armenian diocese in Romania Father Tatev Hakobyan and Chairman of Armenian Union in Romania, Senator Varujean Voskanyan delivered speeches. Main speaker of the day writer and journalist Vardan Araqelyan presented the history of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Romania since 1920.

Then the events were continued at the Hanul Manuk complex.

On May 26 Republic Day was celebrated also in Prague, capital of Czech Republic. Armenian Ambassador to Czech Republic Tigran Seyranyan delivered a welcoming speech. He spoke about the events which took place in May, 1918, spoek about the Sardarapat and Aparan battles, about the creation of Armenian First Republic and its meaning.

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