Armenian Republic Day was celebrated in Netherlands

On May 26 event devoted to the 94th anniversary of Armenian First Republic Day and 20th anniversary of Shoushi liberation took place in Almelo city, Netherlands, at “Galust Gyulbekyan” hall. The event was organized by the ARF Aram Manukyan committee in Netherlands, press and information department of Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs about this.

Armenian Ambassador to Netherlands Dzyunik Aghajanyan welcomed the event participants. In her speech she spoke about the importance of the First Republic, its lessons and its meaning in the newest pages of Armenian history. Speaking about Artsakh Mrs. Ambassador especially said: “Despite of all difficulties Armenian nation managed to celebrate victory in Artsakh war. And it was a result of united and national struggle.”  

Documental film about the Shoushi liberation was shown during the event. Then a concert took place with participation of Armenian well-knonw singer Garnik Sargsyan.

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