S. Sargsyan to the newly-elected deputies: “Never forget why we are elected and what we have promised the electors”

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan attended today the first session of the newly-created Armenian Parliament after the election on May 6 in Armenia. As press service of Armenian President informs Serzh Sargsyan delivered a speech during the first session. Mr. President especially said:

“Respective counterparts,

I congratulate you on the beginning of the fifth addition of Armenian Parliament. I thank all deputies of the previous addition for their activities. Previous five years were really important for law-making processes and I think that we have good bases for the coming five years. Many of you are already professionals of law-making and naturally they will provide the fluent work of Armenian National Assembly. I welcome all of them who are elected as a deputy for the first time and I wish you effective Parliamentarian activities.

I and many of the presents remember well the pre-electoral meetings. All of us have had active discussions with our citizens in the whole territory of the Republic of Armenia and we have enlisted all problems which the people have. People have elected us as they believed we are able to change anything. I wish us to work so in order no one to regret for his election. We are able to do many things. You are able to do many things. You are the legislative authority of the Republic of Armenia.

Every deputy here has thousands votes behind. It means thousands of people. You are taking these votes to the Parliament. And this is a responsible and honored mission.

Respective counterparts,

I think that we have active Parliament and the main political forces have place here. I am happy that political forces of previous addition again got place in the National Assembly and I congratulate Armenian National Congress on entering the Parliament.”

Mr. President hoped that the deputies will not work only in the offices but they will also communicate with society actively.

“Here we have political forces which have various points of view. And I am sure the debates will take place as well. Sometimes you will agree sometimes everyone will remain in his opinion. The topics of the debates are the essential. And the ways to find solution for the issues are the essential.”

Serzh Sargsyan added that he is ready to work with everyone in the atmosphere of compromise and bilateral respect. “I hope that we will work with new strength and we will never forget why we are elected and what we have promised the electors. I wish success to all of us”, Mr. Sargsyan concluded.

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