How is Armenian interest presented in Great Britain?

Recently Armenian Ambassador to Great Britain and Northern Ireland Karine Ghazinyan answered to the questions by the correspondent of BBC Azerbaijani service. The journalist had two main topics: military parade of the Artsakh Defense Army on the 20th anniversary of Shoushi liberation and Armenian decision to refuse participation in the “Eurovision 2012”.

One may think this was a great opportunity for Mrs. Ambassador to present to the whole world huge efforts and achievements by two Armenian states, to speak about the challenges which Artsakh Republic faces and so on. But… it became clear that Karine Ghazinyan is unable to present a balanced, unemotional and diplomatic speech. Moreover, she does not know the details of previous and current levels of Artsakh war.

Unfortunately, problem of Armenian diplomats has appeared under media consideration for many times. When Armenian diplomats leave for the foreign countries they do not concentrate on the main issues during their diplomatic mission. No, they take into consideration some secondary topics. But how this attitude can be accepted for the Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Isn’t it possible to prepare the diplomats for the mission properly? These questions are not rhetoric. 

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