Azerbaijanis continue firing towards Tavush region: there are victims and wounded soldiers

On June 2, 2012 office of the personal representative of the OSCE chairperson-in-office held a unilateral monitoring on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border at Tavush region, Armenia. As press service of Armenian Ministry of Defense informs personal representative of OSCE chairman Andrzej Kasprzyk, field assistants Hristo Hristov and Antal Kherdich participated in the monitoring.

During the monitoring the OSCE officials were presented incident which took place on the border on June 1. As a result of firing resident of Nerqin Karmirakhbyur village V. Melqumyan was wounded. The case was recorded on May 31, some hours after the monitoring which OSCE held on the border again. OSCE officials met with the residents of Aygepar, Movses and Merqin Karmirakhbyur villages and recorded the traces of the firing by video and photos. Personal representative of the OSCE chairperson-in-office Andrzej Kasprzyk was given some other photos and videos which proved ceasefire violation by Azerbaijanis.

But as it seems Azerbaijanis do not care whether the OSCE registers ceasefire regime violations or not. Just after a day of the next monitoring by OSCE firing took place on the border again, at Chinari village, Tavush region, Republic of Armenia.

As web-site informs referring to the own sources 2 soldiers were died and 5 other soldiers are wounded.

There is no official information about the case yet.

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