R. Morningstar may be nominated as the US Ambassador to Azerbaijan

US Senate’s Committee on Foreign Relations will hold hearing to examine the nomination of Richard Morningstar to the post of ambassador to Azerbaijan on June 13.

As the US Senate’s official website informs US President Barack Obama nominates US Secretary of State’s Special Envoy for Eurasian Energy Richard Morningstar to the post of ambassador to Azerbaijan late April after resignation of Matthew Bryza on January 2012. Though Bryza was appointed by the president, his candidacy was not approved in the Congress. 

Richard Morningstar has been working in the post of US Secretary of State’s Special Envoy for Eurasian Energy since April 2009. He taught courses at Stanford Law School(2004-2009) and at the Kennedy School of Government atHarvard University(2003-2009). From 1999 to 2001, he served as US Ambassador to the European Union. 

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