H. Clinton: “USA is ready to do best for assisting with the conflict’s settlement”

“A new approach will be proposed for the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict at the meeting of the foreign ministers inParis”. According to the Azerbaijani Press Agency US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced abouty this inAzerbaijan.

She expressed her regret on the incidents occurred in the border: “We want to achieve peace as soon as possible. We will propose a new approach for the settlement of the conflict inParismeeting. The problem must be settled.”

The meeting of the Azerbaijani and Armenian foreign ministers and the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group will be held inParison June 18. 

During the joint press conference with Azerbaijani Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmar Mammadyarov Secretary Clinton announced: “This violence must be stopped. In my meeting with the Azerbaijani President I said that theUSwas ready to do best for assisting with the conflict’s settlement”. 

Clinton ended her South Caucasian regional visit in Azerbaijan today. The visit was started from Armenia on June 4.

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