Armenian delegation had discussions at NATO Headquarter

On June 21 NATO + Armenia meeting took place at NATO Headquarter to discuss the 2011 report on Armenia-NATO cooperation program. Press and information department of Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs about this.

Armenian delegation was led by Armenian deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ashot Hovakimyan and Armenian deputy Minister of Defense Davit Tonoyan.

The meeting was chaired by James Appathurai, Special Representatives of NATO Secretary General to Caucasus and Central Asia.
Armenian DM Ashot Hovakimyan referred to the successful fulfillment of Armenia-NATO cooperation program. A. Hovakimyan also referred to the Parliamentarian elections in Armenia on May 6 and to the positive evaluations of the international observers. The speaker also spoke about the reforms in Armenia, Armenia-EU cooperation, Nagorno-Karabakh issue settlement and underlined especially the tensions on Armenian-Azerbaijani border and Azerbaijani provocations.

Armenian deputy Minister of Defense Davit Tonoyan spoke about the reforms in military sphere. NATO peacekeeping actions were also under consideration. After the speeches Armenian officials answered to the questions by the NATO representatives.
NATO officials thanked Armenia as an active partner and also thanked for the Armenian peacekeeping actions in Kosovo. They also rated reforms in Armenia and evaluated positively the Parliamentarian elections.

Delegations of OSCE MG co-chairing countries, the USA and France, confirmed once more their attitude towards NK issue settlement and excluded use of force in the conflict. They also underlined the importance of nations’ self-determination and territorial integrity of the countries.


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