Chess news: Armenian chess players in various championships

Armenian GM David Arutinian (Georgia) has scored 5,5 points after 7 rounds and is taking the 2nd place among 47 participants at the open that is being held in Wroclaw, Poland. Arutinian is only half a point behind the leader – IM Kamil Dragun (Poland).

Another Armenian GM Sergey Kasparov (Belarus) has scored 4,5 points.
Two rounds are ahead till the end of the tournament.

Armenian GM Gabriel Sargissian beat Stony (India) in the 4th round of the open in Rethymno, Greece.
As informs after 4 rounds Sargissian has 4 points and is leading together with GMs Yuriy Kryvoruchko (Ukraine) and Andrey Rychagov (Russia).


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