Safety at railway crossings: Does anything depend on railwaymen?

In the past few months unfortunately accidents on the railroad happen with surprising frequency. And everything happens despite the ongoing prevention efforts, improved crossings and stations.

Last incident on the railway occurred on March 13th at 22:50 at the 2819th kilometer of Araks-Dalarik stretch where VAZ-2106 overpassing the closed guarded gate crashed into the 34th car of the freight train consisting of 39 cars.

The car was dragged by the train over 20 meters, the driver Karen Petrosyan was injured and hospitalized.

This time fortunately there were no casualties. However, a similar accident happened in January 2012 in Artashat when a taxi breaking the lowered gate crashed into the train and the passenger was killed. On October 30th 2012 on Arteni-Qarakert stretch the freight train collided with an OPEL resulting in the death of one man and injuries of four. The accident occurred by the driver’s fault who had ignored the warning signs of the train.

For its part SCR has taken all necessary steps to ensure traffic safety: the program of re-equipping and maintenance of crossings is on process, operations to identify shortcomings and breaks at railroad crossings are regularly conducted, technical studies are carried out with the duties, fliers “Notice of Traffic Safety” are distributed to the drivers.

The company has repeatedly appealed to the population to be more attentive at the railway stations, while passing the tracks, not cross them without permission at not intended place, do not use the way for grazing and transhumance. Recently such actions have become a serious threat to people’s life and health and traffic safety.

SCR pays particular attention to awareness about the rules of conduct and safety, for this at all railway stations special reminders are placed for citizens and children. In addition, we co-operate with the municipal authorities, enterprises, schools located next to the railroad which explain to people, staff and students the need to meet the safety rules on the railway.

However, despite the measures taken the residents of houses next to the railway particularly the thoughtless and hurrying drivers still prefer to cross the tracks where they consider ignoring the preventing signs and the presence of specially equipped and comfortable passages and crossings.
SCR once again reminds drivers that protected crossings should be crossed only with the permission of the duty, and the unprotected ones with full confidence in the safety of their actions, not trying to rush in front of the train that can lead to serious consequences.

It must be considered that the rail transport in the case of potential danger can not stop immediately. If emergency braking stopping distance of passenger trains is at least 800 meters and that of the freight train is about 1000 meters. But in danger even hundredths of seconds and a few steps are critical…


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