Bako Sahakyan congratulated on the Triple holiday and handed in awards

On 7 May in connection with the Victory Holiday, the Day of the NKR Defense Army and the Liberation of Shoushi President Bako Sahakyan held a solemn ceremony of awarding.
The Head of the State congratulated the attendees on the Triple holiday and handed in awards to a group of people. Central Information Department of the Office of the Artsakh Republic President writes about this.

In his speech the President underlined that during the Great Patriotic War our grandfathers and fathers through their heroism and feats created the image of the Motherland’s brave protectors that have been accompanying and will still bring up many generations to come. The President characterized the formation of the Defense Army and the Liberation of Shoushi as the cornerstone of all our further victories, which turned the wheel of history to our people.

Primate of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan, chairman of the National Assembly Ashot Ghoulyan, premier Ara Haroutyunyan, members of political parties and non-governmental organizations, veterans of the Great Patriotic and Artsakh Liberation Wars, other officials, guests arrived from the Republic of Armenia and the Diaspora partook in the ceremony.

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