Ukrainian President applied to the Ukrainians: I ask you not to go after those who call for violence

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych released a statement on Monday in the evening. As the official web-site of the President writes, the statement especially says:

“Dear compatriots!

I appeal to you as to conscientious citizens of our state who clearly understand the threats of internal conflicts, discord and confrontation for the Ukrainian society and state.

Some leaders of the opposition have made a statement that they were not involved in the mass actions that took place on Hrushevskoho Street on January 19 and have called on the participants of such actions to cease forceful confrontation with law enforcement officials.

I appeal to Kyiv citizens and other participants of mass rallies. I ask you not to go after those who call for violence, who is willing to provoke the split between state and society, who wants to throw the Ukrainian people into the furnace of mass riots.

I have treated your participation in mass rallies with understanding, I have expressed readiness to listen to your position and jointly find ways of solving the existing contradictions but now, when peaceful actions have escalated into mass riots accompanied by demolition, arson and violence, I am confident that such phenomena threaten not only Kyiv public but the whole Ukraine.

I am convinced that you are the ones who clearly understand that we must try to save our country together, to increase its power, authority and opportunities.

I would like to stress that I will make every effort to ensure public order and protect the rights of peaceful citizens. I will use all legal methods provided for by the laws of Ukraine to guarantee public safety and peace of all our compatriots.

I am confident that you will hear me and support my efforts aimed at termination of the conflict provoked by those who want to fight for power at the cost of human blood.

Only a peaceful path, hard work, unity of people and our commitment to establish high living standards in Ukraine will lead us to success. War, destruction and violence will ruin Ukraine.

I call for the dialogue, compromise and peace in our native land. I believe in the people of Ukraine. I am confident in the wisdom of our people. I am ready to serve the state and people faithfully until I have enough strength and trust of the people”.

As BBC informs, clashes erupted on Sunday, after many more demonstrators rallied peacefully against President Viktor Yanukovych.

The authorities say police have the right to use firearms in self-defence.

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