Iran is under consideration: parliamentarian elections and relations with Israel

Tomorrow, on Friday, parliamentarian elections will take place in Iran.

As IRNA writes Iran’s Assyrians said they will actively participate in the parliamentary elections on March 2.

Association of Assyrians in Iran in a statement on Thursday declared that its members will march in step with other Iranians to participate in the ninth parliamentary elections to be held nationwide on Friday, March 2, 2012.

The statement also said the Assyrians in Iran will vote for their favorable candidate.

Religious minorities in Iran have their own representatives in the parliament.

The Western media follows the events in Iran cautiously. Daily Star published a large article about the elections in Iran.

Iran is to vote on Friday in parliamentary elections that leaders are keen to show as a sign of defiance to the West, which is imposing tough sanctions over Tehran‘s controversial nuclear program.

Some 3,400 candidates are vying for the 290 seats in Iran‘s legislature, known as the Majlis.

Iran has an electorate of 48 million, but not all will vote”, the source wrote.

Referring to the political situation in Iran the Western source writes that this time the election boils down to a struggle between conservatives who back Ahmadinejad and a hardline current that despises him. Each claims stronger fealty than the other to the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Ahmadinejad has called voting “a national duty,” while Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi said: “Without a doubt, the higher the participation, the stronger the national security.”

They are counting on presenting official figures showing turnout higher than the 55 percent announced during the last parliamentary poll, in 2008.

“The turnout will be more glorious than in the previous elections,” confirmed  Abbas Ali Kadkhodai, spokesman for the Guardian Council that vets candidates and validates poll results.

No outside organizations were being allowed to verify the turnout and election results.

Kadkhodai, speaking at a news conference on Thursday, said the presence of international observers would have been “an insult to the people” of Iran who have decided their own fate since the 1979 Islamic revolution.

“We will not permit interference of foreigners,” he said.

Not only Iranian elections but also Iran’s relations with Israel are under the Western consideration.

As writes Israel’s prime minister sets off this week on a U.S. visit clouded by a deepening rift with Washington, which is pressing Israel to hold off on any attack against Iran’s suspect nuclear program.

Although Israel says it hasn’t decided whether to strike, it has signaled readiness to do so — a move that would have deep worldwide implications.

Senior Israeli officials say Israel would have to act by summer in order to be effective.

An American official announced some days ago that Israel may attack Iran without warning USA. This means that the USA may have little responsibility in attacking of Iran. At the same time some Israeli officials consider that Israel will suffer much if it attacks Iran.

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