Statement by Artsakh MFA: Azerbaijan uses “Khojalu” case for anti Armenian propaganda

On the request of Armenian permanent representative to the UN Ambassador Karen Nazaryan the statement on the Khojalu events by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of NKR was spread as the UN General Assembly and Security Council official document. Press and information department of the office of RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs about this.

Ambassador Nazaryan notes that Azerbaijani side has made false announcements on Khojalu events for many times and spread disinformation. K. Nazaryan also underlined that European Court of Human Rights and other international organizations called on Azerbaijani authorities for many times to release those journalists and lawyers who expressed doubts about the version of Khojalu events which are presented by the Azerbaijani authorities.

The document spread in the UN presented the details of the military actions which took place in Khojalu on 1992. “”Khojalu” theme remains one of the main bases of the Azerbaijani propaganda for the domestic and foreign audiences in NK issue context. But announcements of some Azerbaijani journalists, lawyers and the residents of Khojalu completely deny the fake versions of Baku”, the announcement tells.

The text also notes that “all facts prove that Azerbaijani side is guilty for the deaths of Khojalu residents, which committed suicide towards own people for the political intrigues and for the struggle for authority. Using “Khojalu” card official Baku tries to bias the concentration of the international society from Sumgait, Baku, Kiraovabad, Maragha”.

On last week Armenian Ambassador to UN noted that at the next session of UN Security Council that Armenians were massacred in Azerbaijan only because they were Armenians.

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